Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Eat Belly Fat Burning Foods To Flatten Your Stomach Without Doing Situps Every Day

Losing belly fat would make us look better, healthier, and more confident. In recent studies, it was found that stomach fat increases our chances of becoming obese, diabetic, and prone to cardiovascular diseases. If you want to look and feel good inside and out, losing belly fat should be a top priority.

Burning Foods

Aside from starting a regular exercise routine, eating fat burning foods is also deemed important. The importance of eating belly fat burning foods cannot be reiterated enough. As a whole, excess body fats are bad for the system but it is the fat cells that are accumulating around the stomach area that is eyed as more threatening to our health and wellness.

While exercise can help eliminate excess fat, it can't be effectively removed without having a balanced diet. In this case, the balanced diet should comprise a diet plan that has certain foods. Specific food varieties that can be consumed by an individual who goes for belly fat burning foods are the following:

  • Vegetables such as spinach, asparagus, broccoli, tomatoes, okra, radish and zucchini
  • Fruits such as apples, watermelon, papaya, grapefruit, pears, pineapples and strawberries
  • Whole grain foods such as whole wheat bread, oats and bran
  • Lean meat varieties, fish and egg whites
Generally, the diet program that should be followed by the person who wants to lose excess fat should have less fat and cholesterol. On the other hand, the dieter should eat more food choices that have lean protein, fiber and complex carbohydrates.

In comparison to simple carbohydrates, complex carbohydrates are not broken down easily and thus, the glucose that it contains will be able to sustain the energy levels of an individual who consumes food varieties that are rich in these elements. Whereas if food choices that are rich in simple carbohydrates are chosen, the outcome would lead to excessive eating and possibly, an elevated blood glucose level.

If this diet program is followed, the outcome would be that of a person that is healthy and has a positive sense of well-being. Part of the outcome, of course, is the elimination of excess body fat; specifically in the stomach area. If a dieter adheres to this program and adds a regular exercise routine on the side, then the results would even be better. However, do not expect to see good results if you are cheating on your diet.

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Monday, July 18, 2016

6 Best Weight Loss Foods to Stay Fit

When it comes to losing weight, one of the best approaches is to adopt healthy meal prep ideas and plans. You will also need to make the necessary changes to your diet. A lot of people would prefer to go for foods that boost metabolism, suppress appetite, stabilize blood sugar levels, and burn calories.


And, if you are looking for the best weight loss foods, the proven ones include fiber-rich vegetables, high-water content fruits, and lean meats. Read on to see more about our proven fat loss tips
Here are top 6 foods to lose weight;

#1: Berries

One of the ways to keep your stomach feeling fuller for a longer time is to embrace juicy foods that have nothing less than 75% water by weight. And, berries are definitely the best juicy foods - cranberries, blackberries, strawberries and raspberries. Berries are also loaded with fiber, which in turn promotes weight loss.

#2: Skin-less Chicken & Turkey

Protein aids in increasing and maintaining lean muscle mass, which in turn boosts metabolism. Also, you will feel fuller all day long when you eat foods rich in protein. This will also help to reduce in-between meals snacking. The best sources of lean protein include turkey breast and skin-less protein.

#3: Seafood

Omega-3 fatty acids supply the human body with healthy fats and would not impact your health negatively. However, omega-3 fatty acid should be taken in moderation. Seafood is one of the major sources of Omega-3 fatty acids, and the best seafood for this purpose includes wild salmon, mackerel, herring, anchovies, sardines, rainbow trout, and Pacific oysters.

#4: Low-Fat Dairy Foods

Good sources of low-fat dairy foods include fat-free and low-fat milk, yogurt, and cheese. These help to maintain a healthy blood sugar level and improve your mood generally. Consequently, people trying to lose weight are able to curtail their craving for food, and will avoid over-eating as well.

#5: Salads

Salads that have lettuce as the major ingredient are usually low in calories and have lots of water. Other essential ingredients for weight loss salads include cucumber, cabbage, carrot, and tomato. These will supply the quality fiber your body needs, as well as good carbohydrate. The healthy dressing to choose includes olive oil, lemon, or fruit.

#6: Green Vegetables

Consuming lots of vegetables will help you feel fuller all day and curtail your craving for food. The best vegetables for weight loss include cabbage, broccoli, and spinach. These contain soluble fiber. Other weight loss vegetables include asparagus, olives, kale, artichokes, and Brussels sprouts - these have low calories and are packed with water.

Also, whole grains are great foods for weight loss as they are loaded with fiber, minerals and vitamins. Remember, you need to combine weight loss foods with exercise regimen for faster weight loss result. You can enroll in a personal training studio or work out on your own.

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Thursday, July 7, 2016

4 Exercises to Flatten Your Stomach Fast

Pilates is said to be one of the biggest discoveries in keeping the core strong, tummies trim and bodies strong. It is so effective that it burns up the abs, supports the back, defines the arms and tones the thighs and legs. It is not just a good exercise to flatten stomach but a full body workout as well. Pilates is easy to follow, you can do the sessions at home and the most important part is, after every workout, you will have that glow and will power to continue on.

Flatten Your Stomach

It is a cardinal rule: Diet AND exercise is the only way to go to get that lean body and strong powerhouse. Exercise without an eating lifestyle change and vice versa will be a waste of time. These two should go hand in hand. Pilates is an exercise to flatten stomach. You know that now. But, what are the foods you need to eat to have that glorious body and tight abs? Sufficient carbs like whole wheat bread, enough proteins like eggs and lean fish and chicken meat, abundant green and leafy veggies, at least 5 servings of fruits, non-fat or low-fat milk, nuts and ample vegetable oil.

So now we go to Pilates.

1. The One Hundred

Good for the abs and inner thighs. Lie down and bend your knees. Stretch out your arms on the side. Slowly curl up your chin, as far as you can go. Raise your hand at most 6 inches from the ground and start pumping your hand up and down. Do this 100 times, inhaling and exhaling every 5 counts.

2. Roll-Down

This is an exercise to flatten stomach. Sit on the floor, bend your knees and place your feet one and a half feet away from your buttocks. Your hands must be under your thighs for support. Then, inhale as you roll back as far as you can go, preferably when your arms are straight. Hold that position for 3 seconds, exhale and go back up. Repeat 3 times.

3. Rolling Like a Ball

Sit on the mat with knees bent. Hold the top of your ankles firmly. Bow down your head. Try to balance yourself while slowly putting your weight back. This is a great exercise to flatten stomach. Your feet must be up by now. After this, you rock until your upper back reaches the floor then go back to the balancing position. It would seem like you are rolling like a ball. Repeat this tight position for 6 times.

4. Single Leg Stretch

Lie on your back and hold your legs up to your chest. Extend your left leg to a 45 degree angle while the other one is still curled up. Elevate your head, not putting pressure on your neck. Point your toes and exchange your legs while tapping your knees towards your chest. Breathe in and out every 3 counts. Do at least 5 repetitions.

After this exercise to flatten stomach, you do some stretching and cool down. You will feel instant relief and can't wait to do the routine again the next day.

Discover the real secret to flattening your stomach and learn why practically everyone is doing it all wrong!

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